There are still a couple of weeks to go in the 2022 winter hockey season but the summer hockey season is not far away!
The summer hockey season will begin on October 10, with a relaxed social focus. No sheep stations on offer here!!
Members and friends are invited to join us for some summer fun, with teams for everyone from U8 players to Masters over 35. And don’t forget the Family Competition, where parents and children can play together. Beginners and ex-players are welcome.
If you haven’t played hockey before, or haven’t played for a while, summer is a great time to try out this fantastic family sport.
It’s warmer, (usually anyway), it’s lower cost, it’s only half-field so there’s less running, there’s no training and there’s lots of friendly rivalry – and friends!! Games are played in the evening during the week so you can still have your weekends with the family or at the beach!
Check the details and register your interest here