The Annual General Meeting for 2020 will be somewhat different to AGM’s of previous years, but it is of even greater importance than usual for the Newtown City Hockey Club as we move toward the 2021 year.
The AGM will give members and the committee an overview of the operations of the Club during the 2020 COVID pandemic and the Club’s current financial position, impacted as it has been by the pandemic. The AGM will provide the opportunity to confirm the purpose and the aims of the Club. It will also seek the input of members to revitalise the Club and the assist the strategic planning of actions to foster the growth and sustainability of the Newtown City Hockey Club.
The election of office bearers and committee members for 2020/2021 is one of the important actions of the Annual General Meeting. The incoming committee will be guided by input from the members of the club, so contributing your thoughts and asking questions is both an important right and a responsibility of your membership of the Club.
The Annual General Meeting will be followed by a Special General Meeting, and it is here that we can begin to formulate ideas and strategies which the Committee will incorporate into the 2021 season. The Club and the Committee need your ideas! How can we make the Newtown City Hockey Club even better than it is at present? Is there some aspect of the Club which is not performing as well as you, the member, expects?
We would love to hear your ideas for the Club’s future actions and things we should aim for. Please join us for the AGM and share your thoughts.
When: Thursday November 19, 2020
Time: 7.30 pm
Venue: Via Zoom
Agenda: Annual General Meeting Agenda 2020
Nomination for Office
Nominations are called for positions on the Committee of the Newtown City Hockey Club for 2020/2021. Nominations should be returned by Thursday November 12.
The Newtown City Hockey Club Rules assign voting rights to fully paid playing members aged 15 and over. Members aged under 15 have Associate membership but do not have voting rights. Parents of Associate Members may choose to become members in their own right by becoming a non-playing Voting Member at a cost of $5.
Proxy Forms
If a member is unable to attend the meeting, a Proxy Voting Form may be submitted. This form should be received by 1 pm on Thursday November 19.
Bring on 2021, and let’s make it our best year yet!